Saturday, September 11, 2010

being an adult

So in moving through the growth phases of life we all must learn to become an adult. Have our own voice. Speak our own truth. Accept responsibility for our actions. Be true to ourselves, our deepest desires and tell those whom we offend of our offenses. We also seek forgiveness from those whom we deeply care for. We simply seek acceptance and understanding of our common experiences in this life. And it is a hard life indeed.
Becoming an adult is something to be celebrated. And we do! We reach that moment where our voice can be heard. Our opinion counts. We are free to express what brings us joy and what causes us sorrow. 
So then why is it that as adults, when we feel harmed, we turn and flee? Why is it we are afraid to speak our truth? What are we most afraid of? Why is the mere thought of conflict so frightening?
I am working with people who I hope will find their voice and use it. And I learn from them how to find my own. However, I was blindsided by someone whom I thought felt safe enough and who cared enough about our relationship to speak his truth to me. And instead he turned and walked away. And I felt such sorrow that for whatever reason, I or perhaps someone else, was insensitive and brought upon him some form of unnecessary anger and pain.
I wanted to express my sincerest apology. Find out how I could make things right again. Maybe I might not be able to fix things in that moment but... over time, through more appropriate thought and action. But I was not given the opportunity,
And that makes me feel devalued and sad. Because for whatever the reason was, it has caused me to rethink my boundaries and my over-friendliness or perhaps my over expressiveness or need to make others happy or laugh. Perhaps I got carried away at poking fun. I really don't know. But I know there is a lesson here that the other adult won't allow me to learn. And in turn, he is not learning it either. 
And that really is the point of life - to learn from your mistakes now isn't it - because I certainly don't want to make this one again. No one ever wants to hurt a friend.

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