Sunday, October 10, 2010


Well my darling daughter, it has been an exhausting day. You have really done me proud - this morning was an absolute delight! The constant talking on the way to church - just giggling and sharing. It is really a delight to hear you comment on things going on at your school; your discernment of right and wrong and the consequences of bad choices. I really think you have a solid foundation there that will come in handy when you have to make tough decisions for yourself. I think I told you once that any one wrong choice can change your life forever. So being able to see what is indeed the best choice for you will serve you well. Trust me, sometimes it is really hard to know what is the right fork in the road to take because we don't always know what awaits us around the turn. It can be exciting to make that decision - or sometimes even difficult. But certainly you are accumulating the tools that you need as you grow to make the right choices for yourself.  I am really proud of you. And I feel honored to be your mama.
What a great job you did altar serving after all this time. I think it's interesting that you were the one who pushed me into looking for a church. And here we are. Now that you are growing up, I can see that some of the basic tenets of the religion of your choice will not align with what you are learning by osmosis from me and what you are stating from your heart. So I expect to see some changes there and it makes me very interested to see where you go with this. And we discussed some of that today. 
You are way too grown up Kami. Is that because I have always been so honest and forthcoming with information in anything you have ever asked me about? I grieve sometimes for that little toddler who has left me so fast. However, I am in awe of who you are becoming and it really has been the journey of my life watching you walk through these childhood life experiences. What will you do? Who will you eventually become? I am excited to turn the pages of time as they unfold before me.
Everything I do for you sweetheart comes from of place of great love. I am guided by my heart - and my head. And from a love centered place. There is nothing more difficult than trying to make the right decisions that you realize will impact the life of your child in so many ways. I don't profess to know the answers. I feel blind, tapping away in the darkness with my cane. Constantly afraid to make any mistakes that will impact your life forever. So all I ask is that you take a breath, be patient and fair, hold my hand and I will do my best to guide you on the path I think is best for you. If I see that I need to alter my course, my sacrifice will always be for you. Because when I became a parent, you became more important than anything I ever wanted in my life. I made choices different than I ever had. And I will do that until you are free and able to make good, sound decisions for yourself.
Congratulations on your Cinnamon n' Sugar up opening with Ellie! What an amazing launch for your new business. I could see you working hard, excited about the possibilities doing something you really love and making money at it. My little entrepreneur. I am inspired to try harder every time I see you take a chance at a new accomplishment. You really made me smile last night. Awesome job Pooter! I am endlessly proud of you.
And - I love you more than all the stars in the sky. That is endless my darling. Forever. And ever. And ever.

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