Thursday, October 21, 2010

life on life's terms

I try to see every day as a new adventure. I love a great adventure. That hasn't changed much since I was a teenager. My aunt called this my Gemini twin - looking for trouble. She gets this from me being on the cusp of Taurus and Gemini on my birth chart. The grounded/slash/risk taker. As long as there is no bodily harm involved. I love to try new things, go new places and explore horizons unknown. I take risks and with risks come setbacks but ultimately a new adventure. Perhaps my sense of adventure gets me into troublesome situations. But it opens my eyes to a larger life perspective. And often I learn more about myself and more about what I am capable of doing. And then there is that pot at the end of the rainbow that this wee Irish girl is always searching for. Call it what you will, I just circle my surroundings looking for ways to make my life completely fulfilling. And I absolutely hate being bored. This may have something to do with my busy mind. Always challenging me to do more. Think more. Accomplish more.
There is still a part of me that considers going back to medical school and becoming a country doctor however I am too old to be accepted into medical school and this is completely unrealistic considering I have a young child. It is funny how my mind works. What can I do next? What's the next big challenge?
A relationship partner from years back once told me that the word he hated completely was content. He said if partners in a relationship were content, it meant it was doomed for failure. Because to him, it meant that there wasn't any effort being made to keep it alive, invigorated and exciting. The older I get the more I agree.
I don't walk on precipices looking to fall. I am more of a cautious risk taker. I need lots of encouragement and often the best guarantee I can get to give me the protection I need to take the risk. This has developed through my aging - I have more to lose and less time to make it up.
After accepting all of the potential consequences, it is a free fall into the adventure and everything that goes hand in hand with it.
I am excited for what my future holds. I believe I will be more lovingly fulfilled in my 50's and feel better about the direction of where my life will take me. It sounds like the greatest adventure is yet to unfold.  And that brings me promise and hope. 
There is only one thing that can hold me back and that is fear. Nothing in my life goes without fear. It is as though I hold fear in my hand everywhere I go. So I am going to work hard on the fear piece so it doesn't inhibit me from reaching my full potential. Harnessing the fear and using it as a positive in my life will most likely make all the difference in the world. So I must look for those techniques. I also am reminded that my life needs to be better balanced. Because balance will help me maintain my wellness. 
However, it is through love that I function fully and completely. It is that love centered personality of mine. Love for me is like the very air I breathe. If I feel loved, I can do so much. My energy increases and I accomplish so much more in every area of my life. 
So I am going to work hard to achieve a love centered, balanced life and fear free life. And I am going to try hard to stay the course knowing in my heart that this direction will serve me well. I will be happier and more joyful than I have ever been. It is whispering in my ear. 
It will all be as it should be. And exactly what I am meant to receive from the universe, I will get.

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