Tuesday, October 5, 2010

it's a new dawn. it's a new day, and i feel good...

I have a lot on my shoulders now. So much to do. And it is exciting and overwhelming all at the same time.
Sometimes it feels like my life should be a breeze. I mean, I do all I can to follow the golden rule. Some of the challenges I face simply come from the assumption that everyone plays by the same rules. Not true. And each time it happens, I am forced to face it again and again. It gets really hard when you genuinely wish to work things out. 
One thing about me - I don't walk away from situations. I want to solve them at the moment they occur. I do not like walking away without some form of truce or peace. This comes from my father being so incredibly stubborn that he would table discussions that he was losing until he hoped they would disappear. Of course, that stuff just builds up inside of you and causes you incredible angst and pain.
"This topic is no longer up for discussion." I absolutely abhor that statement.
In this situation I had to face, I was not given the reason nor the opportunity to refute. It is the most unusual one I have ever been presented. So I held firm to my belief of broken trust and fidelity however I expressed kindly my desire to resolve it. Unfortunately it was not meant to be. And that is life.
So the best news of all of this, despite my human empathy, is that it is finally over and I can move forward and let it go. Hopefully this will allow me to refocus on what I am passionate about and get going. So that is the good news for sure! I do love what I do and the people I work with. They are the blessings in my life and they have seen the dedication, love and respect that I have shown them as my equal. There are not enough words to feel like I have fallen into the big fireman's rescue net and survived intact.
So to all of you - I love my peers. Stay strong and remember I am here for all of you with a great big open and loving heart. And I mean that.

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