Monday, August 2, 2010


Sundown just happens to be one of my all time favorite Starbuck CD's ever. It is melodic and calm - easy listening. Jazzy. Bluesy. (I know - no such word.) It is absolutely my favorite time of day. Sexy. Totally. So turn the music on and picture this... 

The sun is almost down. You're riding in a beautiful sports car - convertible - two seater. Somewhere north of Stanley. With someone who, you know, you just can't keep your hands off of. You can smell the aroma of the outside mountain air. A hint of smoke. Green freshly cut hay on one side - the river flowing on the other. The wakes of the water glisten as the sun finishes it's dance over the rocks. And you speed in and out of the curves around the sides of the mountains, totally in control of your car. In and out the sun peaks around the corners. Becoming increasingly invisible as you round each corner. The wind is only that created by the speed of the car and your hair blows freely as you reach up to keep pulling it back. And you feel free. Totally free. And it is pure Bliss.
Don't Look Back. 

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