Thursday, December 10, 2009


I am trying to decide what to make of insurance companies.  How it all fits into the big picture of being a safety blanket; it feels like some form of rescue in times of great distress.  Logically, I think that when I spend copious amounts on premiums every month.  I get protected from a variety of dubious acts no one can predict as well as protect others from my unforeseen future stupidity.  It all sounds seductive in a lot of ways however I am finding there is little in that pot of gold at the end of the rainbow if you are an honest and sincere client.
I added it up and gasped when I realized what I pay to seemingly protect myself and others. Then I began to daydream of wonderful things I could do with all the money I'd save if I cancelled all my policies on mass.  I could, say, lay on the beach for weeks on end.  Actually pay for the hotel instead of wash dishes in the kitchen.  Perhaps quit working 5 separate jobs, start walking everywhere and take the bus.  Gee - I'd be "green" which would make me hip, not to mention celebrate a huge weight shift and healthier lifestyle.  Maybe life longer?  Not bank on my own demise and count on saving that premium money so I can pay for the old folks home in cash.  Perhaps, now here's a novel thought... retire?  Yeah - stop working at a ripe old age.  That has been pretty much torn away from me since the economic downturn.
Yesterday, I learned that my "cadillac" health insurance has no mental health coverage.  Seems after 14 years of great insurance, our group plan was downgraded without our knowledge.  However, with a hike in the premium, it was easy to assume we might be getting something that was actually better than what we had.  Hah!  Here I am, working for the National Alliance on Mental Illness, praising the great changes with the passing of the Mental Health Parity Act, and I don't even have mental health coverage?   I asked the beloved customer service rep, this was before I told her she was going straight to hell, what then DID the Mental Health Parity Act mean?  Well - I guess you have to have 50 or more people in your group plan or it isn't included.  What kind of joke is that?  Not a loophole?  Seems to me that no matter what the good intentions are of any President signing a bill, the special interest groups work their way in to create holes in the plan so for-profit insurance companies can find a way to decline your claim.  Ridiculous.  Makes me very worried about the new health care bill.  I do love the idea however!
I am truly fed up.  I can't imagine hundred's of thousands of people who aren't.  So why no revolt?  I haven't got a clue.  I think we've all become so complacent that we truly believe we have no power anymore.  And it's beginning to look like that is a strong possibility.  And if I hear another claims adjuster say that they "care" about me, I think I will just go squirrelly!
So now the issue of karma.  I really think about that everytime something happens where my actions can affect others.  If I dent even slightly, someone's car, I will stay or leave a note so the individual I have violated will know I have integrity and character and want to come clean with my mistake.  However, my vehicle has been hit over 6 times.  No notes.  Not a one.  So is karma working here?  I don't think so.  So I'm off to get an extimate for the last dent - it is $150.00 over and above our $1,000.00 deductable.  And we have $1,150.00 laying around waiting to be used for car repairs when someone smashes the car and drives away?  So now it sits, big dent and all with no wheel well cover - pulled out when the car was hit - and I get to stare everyday at what someone decided didn't matter enough to them to be accountable for.  That I or my feelings didn't matter to them.  It really is a sad commentary on our society as a whole.
So I really believe that insurance companies don't truly care -  but to be fair, they need to act in good faith and should do the right thing to make a bad thing right.  Maybe if we felt they really did care, we might have more confidence in them.  I certainly don't.

1 comment:

JAldrich said...

Oh I agree that insurance companies don't care. As a matter of fact, some reject a claim the first time as a standard practice just to see if the claimant will just "go away." Not all are like that of course but you have to be careful and not buy more than you need because more than likely, if you'll pay for it, they'll sell it to you. :)