And then I am set straight. Things are made clear. And I totally get it. Because I should have taken it literally - not emotionally as I always do.
So a little piece of wood is nailed over the hole. However, there is still another hole next to it and the continued invitation to stick the pin in it again.
I am not sure I want to stick the pin in again. A part of me wants to because I am about love and it motivates me completely, however...
I have already shared too much. Although in the silence there is the open invitation to share, I become increasing more vulnerable with no way to make equitable what I lay out on the table. Then my old friend fear creeps in and sends chills down my spine.
Certainly a veil of sadness comes over me because I have allowed my expectations to overrun my logicality. However, there is a time and there is a place. My desperate need for safety and unconditional love and acceptance cannot be tethered to someone else's horse. How can I expect to do something well when I have never been taught? I need to go easier on myself. The modeling simply wasn't there when I was a child. And it sets me up for heartbreak. However, I am a fast learner and I can change the dance. Being smart is a gift.
And then FUCK - is this really what's going on?
Maybe it's just about getting through the original goals I set out with on this journey. This is the reminder - over and over again. Not only from through the pinhole but on my side of the wall. Maybe once I have completed those goals, I can sit back and reevaluate where I am at that moment. Perhaps then they'll be another hole from someone more open to me completely or maybe no hole and I will be in a place where I will do just fine. I just love the softness, sweetness and intelligence coming from door number one. So who knows? I certainly don't profess to have any answers.
So onward from here taking baby steps. Starting over, letting go of expectations and just trusting the process. Letting go and letting God.
If someone can show me a better way, i'll follow.
What an insightful and ethereal post. It reaches deep inside me and shows me the richness of your feelings and thoughts. Please take me on your journey and don't ever leave me behind. Promise?
What a lovely post. Thank you for wanting to go on this journey of self discovery with me. I promise not to leave you behind...
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