I feel like I have bumped career walls for most of my life. I remember writing an essay on becoming an Interior Designer. I also remember another essay on being a travel consultant. And another about being a doctor. And yet another about performing as a drummer – even though classical piano was my gift.
So truly – did I know what I wanted to do? I don’t think so. Over the years I have earned a good living as an Interior Designer – most likely because I am good at it and did enjoy it. Stepping out of my career for this length of time does me no favors should I decide I ever want to practice again. My mentor and biggest fan has sadly passed and my other mentor just retired. And truly, my life experience at the present time suggests it isn’t something I want to step back into. The doors have opened to other ideas and being the idea person I am, I am busy exploring them.
I am a really active advocator. But it doesn’t pay me the money I need to survive. The people I work for are absolutely amazing. I really am blessed to be connected to such amazing people. But none of it all pays my bills. I feel like I need to find just the right paying niche where I rise every morning knowing that I am getting compensated as much as the energy and passion I put into my work. Really that is what is an equal exchange to me. You get the very best I have to give which is simply amazing. You’d never be disappointed. And I get paid exactly what I need to live nicely like you do, be able to give back and finally save enough to retire. Seems simple to this loyal and dedicated girl with a big heart.
Well – I am exploring a couple of options. And we’ll see what becomes of them. Until then, I will continue to advocate for what I know is right and fight the good fight. The hamster wheel keeps on turning and somehow I feel like it is never safe to jump off. Maybe someday. I will add it to my prayers tonight. And blog about it some more later. My mind is weary.
And there is a very handsome living to be made for advocating. You have the skills and the personality to draw people close so they will listen. I have seen time and again the panel of "talking heads" on TV debating something or other. Certainly not where you'd want to begin and end your identity, but it's a vehicle for folks to know who Wendy is and what she is fighting for. No?
I suppose that is one possibility. Sometimes I can have too much passion and would rather tether it back much in the same vein as MLK did. A calm and compassionate voice for justice and change. I need to find the proper venue and keep at this to build it all strong enough to stand on it's own two feet. Money gets in the way of continuing good programs. The key is finding the right people willing to earmark funds to support these programs and I need to find that voice who isn't afraid to step out of their comfort zone and do the asks. It will come. The more passionately involved I become, the more will be drawn to my cause. Almost like a snowball down the highest hill.
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