Gratitude to the soul(s) who see the truth and will let the whole world know it. Shout it from the rooftops! Praise the Lord! Gratitude to my faith for seeing the truth and the excessiveness of punishment handed to Raye. She is not a murderer. She is guilty of not seeing the evil in the man who murdered her daughter. If you were abused by your former husband, statistics show you will most likely become involved with another one. And who she married before her second husband definitely abusive. He was exactly whom he showed her he was. So it was easy to envision a horrible marriage and future with him. She had the foresight and strength leave. No woman deserves to be physically abused. There is no reason justifiable. A man who beats a woman shows true cowardice.
So move on forward to the wolf in sheep's clothing. Attractive, tall, handsome, protective, secure. On the outside - not an abuser - or so it seemed. Well, hindsight is 20/20 and abusers are often very manipulative. Bet on it Raye shared the abuse she endured in her first marriage. The perfect set up to be groomed by this creature. And he saw open access to a child to help him fulfill his strong desires of pedophilia. Did Raye see this? No. She only saw someone who would rescue her from being a single parent. It looked awfully good. After all - he was a father himself.
So easy now to look back and see where this was leading. But certainly not at the time.
And we have all been fooled by people who feign sincerity and then show their true colors. ALL OF US!
A friend of mine once said - "When someone shows you who they are, believe them."
So where am I going with this? I notice a lot of people read Ms. Ortiz's blog. And many feel free to comment and offer false sincerity, support and praise. Pathetically sweet as it is - it is far from sincere. It is a bait for everyone to believe what you see is the face of something quite loving or lovely.
Well - in time and over time - these people continue to abuse her. Commenting on her by name calling in their blogs. Posting nastiness on something called "Topix". It really is a case study for a psychiatric dissertation. Not unlike being sociopathic. Certainly dissociative. Often explained in a way using some transference in the equation. Ridiculous. Plain old language? Just plain evil and more than half crazy. Thankfully - neither she or I read their fluff but certainly get cut and pastes from plenty of people.
So my commentary is for these so called grief stricken individuals who say they advocate for Kelsey.
Find something positive to do with your time. Quit whining about what has happened to you. You are an adult now. You can decide to live a better life and let go of your past. Quit identifying yourself as a victim. Stand up and create change. Stop with the self pity. Stop using abused children to identify who you are. You're far from it. And you are not using your time for God's calling.
That is exactly what Jody is doing. God's calling. And that is what I am doing.
Sitting in the center of a tornado and letting it spin to bring attention to yourself only gives you negative attention. And perhaps you don't see that. But it seems like a foolish way to draw attention to yourself because people are not interested in you because of someone else's abused child. Instead of hitching your rope to Kelsey's wagon, create your own advocacy group based on your personal experience. At this moment in time, you are simply salving your own wounds with the sorrow of other people's tragedies. This will not help you move forward.
Buy yourself a new dress. Change your hairstyle. Advocate for children not yet in the cycle of abuse. You know nothing about the experiences of the families you speak of but your testimony is powerful when you speak of your own experience. Use that as a catalyst for change. You can only relate to what you yourself experience. And that story alone has power to create change.
What about my own issues in childhood? Well - by the grace of God and good talk therapy, I feel wonderful. I love my family. I am incredibly blessed. I don't want to live in the past - I want to savor each present moment. I am glad to love God, be surrounded by those who love Him and themselves, and grateful for friends who have so much more to do in this world that hurt other people with their words..
God loves Raye just as much as He loves you. Well it's true! No matter what you say about Raye, God loves her as much as He loves you. When you speak, you use the voice He gave you to either make things better or make things worse. I think it best to make things better. So I have edited this here and there trying to find the better part of me. And I think I have.
So quit fighting a losing battle and start making something out of your life. He has a higher calling for you. All I will continue to pray that you find your higher road. It's there - you just have to be open to it.
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