Kami and Gail had blown up an inflatable kayak and with lifejackets secured, had taken to paddling around the lake. Maybe there were 4 people on the beach further down. The silence was broken only by the occasional airplane flying so high that you couldn't see it.
I shut my eyes and started to circular breathe. In and then out. In and then out. In and then out. And slowly, I was lulled into a calm place. Solitude. Peace. I began to notice the distinctive mountain smell of pine needles. Some residual smoke from a campfire far away. And I dreamt that someday I would indeed have my little log cabin in the woods, where I could retire comfortably surrounded by my favorite aromas of the mountains and the wildlife strolling through.
It has always been a dream of mine to have a little log cabin in the woods on the side of a mountain. Nothing fancy. Just very simple surrounded by the treasures of my life. Things that bring me comfort. Peacefulness always. A little porch with a rocker. Some bird feeders and wild flowers all around me. No gardens - just God's perfect garden.
All my dreams were set aside when the economy collapsed almost two years ago to the day. Our house inverted and is worth enough to have eaten all the money that was our equity. Our retirement disappeared - *poof* - vanished into thin air. And we went from lots of work and disposable income to bare bone basics. No excess of anything.
So will my dream of the cabin in the woods come true? I don't know. I hope so. It really is my last wish aside from a convertible. Material wishes that is. I guess I can always close my eyes and dream a dream. My dad always told me that when you wish upon a star your dreams do come true. So maybe someday the stars will make it so. Wouldn't it be lovely?
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