However, something that seems to come quite naturally to me is remembering that we should all do our best to seek truth. To fight for injustice. To do unto others as we would wish upon ourselves. It seems really simple. And very Christ-like in nature.
My advocacy for Raye Smith began quietly - questioning the series of events that led to the murder of her daughter and later her conviction. Believe me, I have read more than I have ever wanted to on this case for one lifetime. The only thing worse than reading it would be living it, as the Smith (not by choice) and Briggs (by choice) families do to this day.

So I have chosen to rise up to the challenge. And certainly I face doors being shut over and over again that make me question my faith in humanity and my own religious teachings.
It has been an arduous journey for Raye and in it I have learned a great deal about humanity and it's need to seek a happy ending to a story no matter what the cost to any individual. We all seek justice for the innocent but at what price?
Something I find baffling is faith leaders who turn a blind eye to the very teachings of Christ they preach. Are we not to demand justice and truth as Christians? Are we not to forgive no matter how difficult it may be? Is the power of forgiveness what leads us eventually to the full redemption we seek as followers of Christ? It all has me quite baffled. If Raye can forgive the very woman who fought so hard to see her hang then why can't that woman find forgiveness for her? Who then is the person most favored in the eyes of God?
You can see it brings up some very powerful questions about faith. And our duty to our fellow man.
Walking along this road, I have picked up many honorable friends whom I believe understand the full meaning of forgiveness, patience, respect and understanding. The most notably is my friend Jody Ortiz. Jody became involved in Ms. Smith's case somewhat through the "back door" and has been thoroughly documenting everything to do with it ever since. This is no easy task because it is a case of high coverage in Oklahoma. She is watched, followed and faces character assassination everyday. Through her solid and thorough research, Jody has not aligned with popular opinion. She has researched the facts of this case endlessly and through that, has come to the same conclusion many of us have. That Raye Dawn Smith is the target of vengeance by an overzealous exmarital family (and their violent advocacy group), that she and her daughter are the current blonde gorgeous fodder for television ratings and that the financial gain is tempting beyond obvious because of the convenient circumstances of this case. I am not going to go through the facts of the Smith case but if you are interested in reading more about it, do check out the following link (RDS Website).
Ms. Ortiz has endured more that any citizen should ever have to simply for putting the truth out there for everyone to access. Should it be this way in America? I think not. She is absolutely entitled to her opinion. Not only her opinion but to state the fact. She is the victim of unending cyber bullying. Bullied for telling the truth! Not to mention that her thorough work on this case is often taken for granted by the "other side" because they have created so many falsehoods - most who advocate for the "other side" really have no idea what the truth is anymore. It is like a good political spin. The characters are so wrapped up in the drama that to have it end would be like cutting off their oxygen supply. Instant death. No more attention anymore.
I wish to salute Jody Ortiz and thank her for holding my hand through this arduous education of our American Criminal Justice system. It is fascinating and frightening all at the same time. And for the sake of Ms. Smith, I hope that as a board member of the National Coalition for Criminal Justice Reform and with the help of other bright minds fighting for the same truths that convicted their family members, we will find the answer. Please check out Jody Ortiz' blog (Jody Ortiz Blog) - she has written extensively about this case and her blog is interesting and quite informative. I read it daily.
Please pray for Ms. Smith as she awaits a hearing to determine whether she will receive an appeal she justly deserves. I know I will be with all my heart. And thank you for listening and having compassion for this person whom you do not know because you all know MY heart. Trust me - she is well worth knowing and more than worth your effort.
And one last thing - remember me mentioning the door closing on me by clergy not wishing to extend the hand of Christ in support - here is the Smith family blog. it is entitled, "Raye Dawn Smith Forgives". Appropriate don't you think? (Smith Family Blog)
I'll end with a snippet I heard on the Biography Channel Series, "I Survived."
"Forgiveness is like letting a prisoner free. And finding out that prisoner is you." A statement from Craig - a survivor of the Columbine School Shooting in 1999 that took the life of his sister Rachel. He had become angry and bitter and chose to heal through God's grace and forgive the shooters.
Thank you so much Wendy for your well written and heartfelt post. You are a true inspiration to those of us who also question humanity as we are faced with roadblock after roadblock. YOU are a blessing!
Thank you dear Wendy for your efforts in helping the Truth be known for Raye. Many of us question the hearts of others and don't understand why they don't feel in their hearts what we do...but that's okay. God is our final victory in all this. May he always bless you...
(Raye's family)
Wendy this wonderful Raye and Jody are really lucky and blessed to have you for a friend. I hope that your life would be amazing for you and your family just like you are amazing person God bless you!!
Great blog Wendy! I can relate to many of the things you write about. It is easy to just believe what we are told and much more difficult to push past the mainstream media and seek the truth. I applaud your efforts to do that while maintaining your values. You are a wonderful person and it has been a joy to know you!
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