It just never ends. The complete lack of respect and consideration for anything I do. Walk across the clean floors with dirty shoes. Nicely ask, please could you take those off - I spent all day cleaning the house. Blank stare. I get sworn at. Now it just goes in one ear and out the other.
Dinner on the table as soon as they get home. Couldn't time it any better. Both ate. Gary complained. It's beef! All the while pouring gravy all over everything. Not that that would give you a stroke I wonder.
Why beef? I don't eat beef. I only eat blah blah blah. Because I had a stroke you know. Well - have some more gravy for Christ's sake.
I hand him the new cell bill. He negotiated the rates with AT&T. Oh yeah - and it's going to be less than what we pay with Verizon BTW. Well the fucking bill is $696.00! He looks at me and starts screaming. That's exactly why I had him do it. I just look blank faced and tell him to call the person her spoke with. I told him to keep all the info. He says - "What name?" Jesus.
Then my daughter, whose room I immaculately cleaned 1 1/2 weeks ago asks for me to help her tidy her room. It is simply hanging up the laundry I did and putting her stuff away. She's 11 and capable of doing this herself. I cleaned her bathroom today. Changed the bedding. Did the laundry. Put her toys away.
You know - sometimes I wish I had a limitless AMEX card like I used to. I would be gone in a flash for a respite. There is simply no appreciation for anything.
Well - at least my daughter thanked me for dinner.
Can adults go on strike or run away from home I wonder?
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