What relative would I chose to live with me? Well - it doesn't take too long for me to figure it out. Unfortunately, my first choice in a relative is deceased. I actually have a sign over my office door that says, "Friends Welcome. Relatives by Appointment." Adopted with records open in the early 2000's, I have come to meet family from everywhere. The gene pool is prolific and appears at will and randomly. Actually, I think I could be related to you!
My upbringing was difficult at best - discussing it all doesn't make for a funny story. The best part, after all the years of feeling solitary & alone on this planet, is when my adoption records opened I found out I have a plethora of siblings - fulls, halfs, quarters... Just keeping track of the birthdays overflows my brain cells. People were very busy in the backseats of cars in the early sixties. Wasn't there birth control then?
So dearly beloved family, I am going to chose Jack the Dog. Because he knows me the best & is by far the safest choice. Never short of kisses and a beard that can clean a toilet in a millisecond, he is my bud and a joy to love. So Jack, there'll always be a room at the inn for you. xox
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