"An Injustice anywhere is a threat to Justice everywhere." Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
Here I go! The first step off the precipice of personal social justice issues is sometimes the hardest to make. Maybe some of you think I am over my head here, but I was brought into a case over the past year that has touched me very deeply. I was compelled to research it extensively. Often, we are drawn to subjects that we can relate to. I am vigilant against child abuse of any kind & advocate for sentences that are tough for anyone who would bring harm to a child. In the case that drew me in, a mother named Raye Dawn Smith, was wrongfully convicted in an unfair trial in front of a biased jury of enabling child abuse.
A group by the name of Kelsey's Purpose, established by Raye Dawn Smith's ex mother-in-law, Kathie Briggs protested, threatened, lied, harassed, and used the media to ensure Raye Dawn Smith's wrongful conviction and imprisonment after the death of her daughter, Kelsey Smith-Briggs.
Without going into details because this is such an incredibly complicated case, I am thoroughly convinced and stand firmly behind the fact that Ms. Smith has been wrongfully convicted. I have educated myself to all sides, not directly with the persons involved, but through actual court documentation, information accessible through the media and the book written by Justice Craig Key, "A Deadly Game of Tug of War: The Kelsey Smith-Briggs Story."
So this is where the Freedom March comes in. It is sponsored by www.rayeofhope.org - the advocacy group set up by Ms. Smith's family for the wrongfully convicted, Our website is www.freedommarchusa.org and there will be a Freedom March in several states, held consecutively at 10:00 AM on June 27th of 2009. As coordinator for the State of Idaho, I am blessed to have Darcy Lagana, a fellow advocate, help me make this happen. Please check out our website and see if there is a march in your city. You will leave this march better educated about our justice system.
Please view this video - it will educate you in a brief fashion about the case. Thank-you.
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