Friday, November 6, 2009

Superior Scribbler Award

Well goodness gracious me!
I have just received this award from Super Superior Blogger John who, "Pick me... Pick me...", Picked me!! Such a lovely complement because I write my blog as a form of self expression to memorialize my personal moments and special thoughts.

I wish I could say that my blog is as interesting to others as it is to me. And I must admit that when I check my blog, I get get excited to see that someone has actually read my meanderings and has taken the time to leave a comment. In this special way, your time to read makes me feel heard. And your comment is your gift to me. I do love a great dialogue!

I met John on Twitter during the madness of our last election. He and I share many similar values and in coming to read and know him, I adore the warmth of his heart and the spirit of giving and giving back. His love for family, for the simple pleasures of life and desire to work with others to improve our world, make him a man who walks his walk. Reading his blog is like having a friend in the world that understands how I think. So thank you John for reading my blog in your spare time; single guy = what spare time? And thank for the brief glimpses into your blessed life. You are a day brightener.
So in receiving this awesome honor, there are responsibilities that go along with it. In the true spirit of "pay it forward", I will honor five others who I enjoy following. How fun this is to feel like queen for a day!

Each Superior Scribble must in turn pass this award on to 5 deserving Blogger friends.
Each Superior Scribbler must link the author and the name of the blog from whom he/she has received The Award.
Each Superior Scribbler must display The Award on his/her blog, and link to This Post, which explains The Award.
Each Blogger who wins The Superior Scribbler Award must visit this post and add his/her name to the Mr. Linky List. That way we will be able to keep up-to-date on everyone who receives This Prestigious Honor.

Each Superior Scribbler must post these rules on his/her blog. It is difficult to pick only five because I think all of those I follow deserve this for endeavoring to share their journeys. Here are my selections...

STUFF IN MY BRAIN - Now I wouldn't even be writing this if it weren't for John! I know what you're thinking; he's won this already! But he will continue to win it because his heart is huge and he has been so inspirational to me. Encouraging me to give blogging a try. He writes a "feel good" blog. What I mean by that is I think it is a world into his character and integrity; his love of life, family, love and giving back. He is all around fabulous! Now John - what in the world is a Mr. Linky List?
I GHOSTWRITE - Jody is a jewel. I met Jody while working my way through the internet mess of news and not-so-news regarding Raye Dawn Smith's case (she is the woman I advocate for that is wrongfully convicted). Jody is an amazing woman - she singlehandedly felt compelled to pick up the torch on this case and worked through all the mire to uncover the truth. The consequence of her findings have caused her family heartache because there are many who wish to bring her harm for uncovering the truth. She stands by her principals and is a fighter. Her new blog is a step back into her writing world and I am glad to see she's back at it full force!
SAS MAGICAL MYSTERY TOUR - I love this blog. Sas is an excellent writer and I enjoy her blog for many reasons. The best part is that I agree with practically everything she says so I feel quite validated! Love she's from London. Bigger perspective and a bit like home. Well - not really - but kind of... hmmmm.
F8HASIT - This simply artistic blog is an interesting read. I think what drew me in was the photo of her mother. I want her to be my mother! Her blog is down to earth, an easy read and again very well written. She also has quite a large following and the comments are just as much fun to read.
BEARING FALSE WITNESS - This exceptional blog is written by a retired Lt. Col. and Air Force Pilot, former member of the FBI, English Professor and writer. Bill Newmiller is also President of the National Coalition of Criminal Justice Reform and a man of passion, character and integrity. His biggest challenge is the advocating for his son, Todd Newmiller, who has been wrongfully convicted.

I subscribe to many blogs and thoroughly enjoy every one of them for a variety of reasons. It is so hard to chose just five. Truly, anyone who pours their creative soul out on paper to share with virtual strangers deserves an award. It's all about learning to love each other despite our differences and I think blogging is the perfect forum to express what sometimes is difficult to say aloud.
You are all the best!

1 comment:

f8hasit said...

I'm honored to receive your award, but more honored by the nice things you said about me! Thank you ever so much!

I already am a ready of sas (I concur, she's great!) but now have even more blogs to check out! Thank you for the leads!

And thanks once again for the scribbler award!!!